MendMarch2024 Microtags

To beat the algorithmic hegemony of our digital overlords, MendMarch is keeping on the move, with a new hashtag daily, a microtag. This is oddly pleasing, because it is WORKING. Instead of wading through acres of 'top' (paid) posts from 2020 in search of today's mends, we get right to the fresh stuff, and everyone appears, even if they have 25 followers. (MendMarch side effect: they soon get more.)

For the record, here are ALL the tags, rainbowed and themed. The last two are SAD. But at this rate, I may make like Sir Elton and retract the retirement. Watch this space. Or that one. Or some space where you don't have to tithe your sweat equity.

Kate Sekules
Kate Sekules


1 Response

leisa  govan
leisa govan

May 25, 2024

thank you for your fabulous efforts : )

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